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Of all the methods by which one can brew a cup of Coffee, a Pour Over ranks high up on our list. 

This manual drip method allows for so many flavours to bloom and the result is a clean, bright cup of coffee. 


Seeing as we enjoy this method so much we figured we would have a Coffee in our repertoire dedicated to this method of brewing particularly. And so - Kinaru!  


Kiṇaṟu is the Tamil word for an open Well. 
Much like a well, the Pour Over equipment  allows for the water at a set temperature to be pour over all the coffee grounds equally. The well fills up, gravity takes over & pulls the water through the coffee. As the well depletes, more water can be poured in. Considering the quick extraction, the flavours are always fresh. 


A Kinaru is also a very integral part of farm life. On our farm we have several open wells built in a traditional brick style. We are forever peering into the wells to observe the rise & fall of the water table with the seasons. 


When we imagined a Pour Over Coffee on a Farm and the name Kinaru to go with it, a Survey Map immediately came to mind. 
The contour lines of a Survey Map form the design element in the name. And the dot on the i - that’s the survey map key code for a well! 

This Kinaru Coffee will change often. It will be a different bean, a different estate, a different roast - all suited to be our Pour Over Coffee. 

For our first Kinaru, we have chosen a Coffee that has been nurtured, grown & processed so very carefully; with the kind of attention to detail we love include in our work as well. 


This coffee bean blurs the boundaries between Washed, Honey and Natural processes. The cherries are pulped waterless, making the process one that is sustainable and kind to the environment. They goes through an extended fermentation in farm-made coffee vinegar coaxing out rare fruity and cacao notes. Finally the beans are Washed by Hand, and slow-dried in the shade on raised beds. 


Prepared to be surprised by this coffee. Just like when you peer into one of our wells. :)

How to pronounce

Roast Profile:


The Natural Farmer
Kamanur Village, Kodaikanal Taluk


3600ft to 3980ft ASL


Extended Ferment, Washed

  • Selective picking of ripe red cherries

  • Waterless pulping

  • Extended fermentation in coffee vinegar

  • Washed by hand

  • Slow-dried on shaded raised beds



11:00 - 18:30



Farm Shop


9:00 - 18:30



1/277, Semancheri Village,

Old Mahabalipuram Road,

Chennai - 600119

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